FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lisa-Marie Cashman
Alexander Knight House Team Collaborates with Plimoth Plantation Artisans
North Meets South to Gain Insight and Guidance on the Re-Creation of First Period Building
Ipswich, Massachusetts. August 28, 2009 – With the foundation dug and the stonework in place for the root cellar, the Alexander Knight House (“AKH”) team furthered its substantial research to validate and authenticate the craftsmen techniques being used to build the Knight House by meeting with the Interpretive Artisans from Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Plimoth Plantation is a re-creation of the 1627 English Village and a daily live history exhibit that depicts the people, dialect, places and activities of 17th Century Plymouth.
The core group of artisans – specially trained in the First Period building trades - was on hand to greet our North Shore contingency. A robust discussion between the groups ignited an exciting exchange of knowledge and information that continued throughout the day. Features of the early Plimoth houses were compared and contrasted with the Knight House along with much discussion about framing techniques, chimney construction and hearth placement, roofing options as well as the best mortar materials for parging. The takeaway for both sides was a learning opportunity of enormous value. Future plans to host the Plimoth artisans assisting in the roofing for the Alexander Knight House will soon take place.

“Based on this tremendous exchange, we now know the framing plan must include a chimney girt and summer beam along with the roof frame being that of principal and common rafters,” notes Susan S. Nelson, architectural historian and member of the AKH team.
Further discussions and decisions will be made concerning mortar mixtures and roofing materials based on the outcome of the meeting at Plimoth Plantation. Plans to mill white oak for the framing are underway as well. Details of the continuing collaboration when North meets up with South in the coming months here in Ipswich will be online at www.ipswichknighthouse.org.
Alexander Knight House Team Collaborates with Plimoth Plantation Artisans
North Meets South to Gain Insight and Guidance on the Re-Creation of First Period Building
Ipswich, Massachusetts. August 28, 2009 – With the foundation dug and the stonework in place for the root cellar, the Alexander Knight House (“AKH”) team furthered its substantial research to validate and authenticate the craftsmen techniques being used to build the Knight House by meeting with the Interpretive Artisans from Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Plimoth Plantation is a re-creation of the 1627 English Village and a daily live history exhibit that depicts the people, dialect, places and activities of 17th Century Plymouth.
The core group of artisans – specially trained in the First Period building trades - was on hand to greet our North Shore contingency. A robust discussion between the groups ignited an exciting exchange of knowledge and information that continued throughout the day. Features of the early Plimoth houses were compared and contrasted with the Knight House along with much discussion about framing techniques, chimney construction and hearth placement, roofing options as well as the best mortar materials for parging. The takeaway for both sides was a learning opportunity of enormous value. Future plans to host the Plimoth artisans assisting in the roofing for the Alexander Knight House will soon take place.

“Based on this tremendous exchange, we now know the framing plan must include a chimney girt and summer beam along with the roof frame being that of principal and common rafters,” notes Susan S. Nelson, architectural historian and member of the AKH team.
Further discussions and decisions will be made concerning mortar mixtures and roofing materials based on the outcome of the meeting at Plimoth Plantation. Plans to mill white oak for the framing are underway as well. Details of the continuing collaboration when North meets up with South in the coming months here in Ipswich will be online at www.ipswichknighthouse.org.

Construction will continue to take place throughout this year and into next. Visitors can continue view and partake in some of the building activities this Saturday, September 5th from 11 a.m. -3 p.m during the next 17th Century Saturday events. For more information on live building exhibit dates log-on to http://www.ipswichknighthouse.org/. To become a supporter for this live on-going exhibit, log-on to: http://ipswichmuseum.org/knightgifting.php. All contributions will go towards continuing education programs and sustaining maintenance so all can enjoy for years to come.
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Alexander Knight House – Collaboration with Plimoth Plantation
Page Two/ August 25, 2009
About the Ipswich Knight House Team
The Ipswich Knight House team represents some of the finest craftsmen, award winning designers, Emmy-award winning producers, writers, branding and graphic artists, photographers and a noted folk artist. All time, labor and materials are generously donated (approximately $50,000) to make this re-creation a local and national treasure for years to come. For more information, please contact Lisa-Marie Cashman at 978-233-2885 or email at lisamarie.cashman@gmail.com.
About the Ipswich Historical Society and Museum
Organized in 1890 and chartered in 1898 by Reverend Thomas Franklin Waters and joined by preservationist George Francis Dow, the gentleman’s society housed and collected many First and Second Period Ipswich historic artifacts, famous paintings (including Arthur Wesley Dow) and documents—quite notably the largest collection in the country. Today these treasures showcasing Ipswich’s rich and diverse history can be viewed at both the Heard and Whipple houses in South Green District. For more information contact Wendy Evans at admin@ipswichmuseum.org or call at 978-356-2811.
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